[ 檀香手捲線香 ] Sandalwood Hand-rolled Incense
[ 檀香手捲線香 ] Sandalwood Hand-rolled Incense
Sandalwood Hand-rolled Incense
20 sticks
Traditional Sandalwood incense has been used since ancient times for protection and healing. Its warm soothing aroma relaxes the mind and creates an aura of calm.Elm Rd.
手捲線香以純天然成分製成,並從中加入檀香精油。每盒手捲線香含 20 枝單獨線香。包裝中的標籤可以重用,適合當作香味書籤,放置於車、抽屜或衣櫥中。
Each box contains 20 hand-rolled incense sticks made with pure and natural ingredients and infused with Sandalwood essential oil. The fabric tag included in the packaging can be re-used as a scented bookmark or as a car, drawer or wardrobe air-freshener.
Basic Info
- 每枝 線香都由獨特的天然可持續原材料配搭而成,包括:香草、檀香、香根草和萬壽菊粉、山羅勒葉和芳香樹的樹脂。
- Each incense stick contains a unique mix of sustainably sourced ingredients including: herbs, sandalwood, vetiver and marigold powder; mountain basil leaves and resins from aromatic trees.
- 每枝 線香能夠燃燒約 1 小時。
- Each incense stick burns for approximately 1 hour.
- 天然、純素、無殘忍。
- Natural, Vegan and Cruelty-free.
More to know about
Elm Rd. 與來自喜馬拉雅山的女工匠合作,以代代相傳的傳統方式製作天然的手捲線香,確保整個製作過程不但符合道德,更以可持續方式進行。
Our natural incense has been ethically and sustainably hand-crafted by a cooperative of women artisans in the Himalayas following traditional methods that have been passed down from generation to generation.
Light the tip of the stick and then blow out the flame. Fix into an appropiate holder on a heat resistant surface.
Keep away from children and pets. Never leave burning incense unattended. Do not touch or move the incense when burning or hot. Ensure area is well ventilated.